Clinica Legale – Università degli Studi di Brescia

Letteratura, studi e ricerche

Alcune letture consigliate sulla Clinical Legal Education e sull’esperienza delle cliniche legali dell’Università degli Studi di Brescia:

C. Amato, Developing Strategies for Academic and Financial Sustainability: the Brescia Legal Clinic’s Experience, in E. Poillot (a cura di): L’einseignement clinique du droit, Larcier, Luxembourg, 2014, p. 141. 

C. Amato, Il Modello Clinico Bresciano, in A. Maestroni, P. Brambilla e M. Carrer (a cura di), Teorie e Pratiche nelle Cliniche Legali, Cliniche Legali Vol. II, G. Giappichelli Editore, Torino, 2018, p. 145 e spec. p. 149. 

C. Amato, Experiential Learning from the continental viewpoint: if the cap fits…, in R. Grimes (ed.), Rethinking Legal Education Under the Civil e Common Law. A Road Map for Constructive Change, Routledge, Londra e New York, 2017, p. 13.

C. Amato e E. Poillot, Towards a European Culture of Legal Clinics: Trasplanting the America Cinical Model, in A. Janssen e H. Schulte-Nölke (eds.), Researches in European Private Law and Beyond. Contributions in Honour of Reiner Schulze’s Seventieth Birthday, Nomis, 2020, p. 383 e spec. p. 392.

M. Barbera, The making of a Civil Law Clinic, in L. Nogler – L. Corazza (a cura di), Risistemare il diritto del lavoro. Liber Amicorum Marcello Pedrazzoli, Franco Angeli, 2012, p. 323.

M. Barbera, Il movimento delle cliniche legali e le sue ragioni, in A. Maestroni -P. Brambilla – M. Carrer (a cura di), Teorie e pratiche delle cliniche legali, Giappichelli, 2018, p. XIX.

M. Barbera, The emergence of Italian Clinical Legal Education movement, in A. Alemanno – L. B. R. Khadar (a cura di),  Reinventing Legal Education in Europe: How Clinical Education is Reforming the Teaching and Practice of Law, Cambridge, 2018, p. 59.

M. Barbera, Perché non abbiamo avuto un caso Brown. Il ruolo delle cliniche legali nelle
strategie di public interest litigation, in Questione giustizia, 3, 2019.

M. Barbera – V. Protopapa, Access to Justice and Legal Clinics: Developing a Reflective
Lawyering Space. Some insights from the Italian Experience, WP CSDLE, Int. n. 141/2017.

L. Bugatti, Ethics, professionalism and the lawin R. Grimes (ed.), Rethinking Legal Education Under the Civil e Common Law. A Road Map for Constructive Change, Routledge, Londra e New York, 2017, p. 104.

L. Bugatti, Legal Education in the next future, in International Journal of Clinical Legal education, 2019, vol. 26, n 3, p. 3. 

C. Di StasioThe Asylum and Immigration Clinic of the University of Brescia facing the problem of immigration in Europe: new challenges to the effectiveness of migrants’ rights, in German Journal of Legal Education, n. 4, 2017, pp. 191-223.

A. Gascón-Cuenca, C. Ghitti, F. Malzani, Acknowledging the relevance of empathy in clinical legal education. Some proposals from the experience of the University of Brescia (IT) and Valencia (ESP), in International Journal of Clinical Legal Education, vol. 25, 2, 2018. 

P. Lombardi, “L’accesso alla giustizia nel quadro dell’Agenda ONU 2030 sullo sviluppo sostenibile: riflessioni a margine delle cliniche legali in Italia”, pubblicato il 27 maggio 2020 su

Riviste scientifiche:

  • International Journal of Clinical Legal Education:
  • European Journal of Legal Education:
  • Clinical Law Review: